
Discover should be a safe place for people around the world to connect and make new friends. In addition to our content guidelines, which prohibit harmful content on our service, we'd like to explain how we ensure the safety of our users

Safety concerning age

• When starting the app for the first time you are being asked for your age. Answer truthfully, if you lie about your age your account will be terminated

• The age cannot be changed later to prevent abuse of this feature

• You have to be at least 14 years old use our service

• If you are between 14 and 17 years old you may only use our serivce with the permission of their legal representative and you are not allowed to create an account.

• Adults and Teenagers are seperated on our platform and will never be able to interact with each other.

Safety concerning user generated content

• All user generated content has to follow our content guidelines which user have to accept to before signing up

• Our service doesn't allow user generated photo or video content, this effecifly makes nudity content on your platform impossible

• Our service doesn't provide a location feature and we don't request access to the users physical location. This means users cannot search profiles based on proximity

• You Snapchat username remains private on our service, unless you explicitly decide to share it. You can opt in to manually review user who get your Snapchat username using our "Hide Username" feature

• The age of minors is hidden by default and cannot be made visible publicly.

• There is no chat feature in Discover, meaning that users can't send direct message.

Safety by moderation

• We use technical tools on all user generated content:
- We perform text analysis to prevent users from posting inappropriate content such as explicit language, nudity or sexual content.
- We use comprehensive third party systems enhanced by artificial intelligence to to prevent users from posting inappropriate content such as explicit language, nudity or sexual content and assist our human moderators

• If inappropriate content is not flagged by our technical tools:
- human moderators can remove it and terminate the related account,
- the community can report it. Reported content is reviewed by our human moderators within maximum 48 hours. They can remove this content and terminate the related account.

Safety of our users

• Users of our service can easily report an inappropriate content or activity by tapping on the flag button on the top rigth hand corner of the post or of a profile screen. Reported profiles are reviewed by human moderators within maximum 48 hours.

• If a user reports another user he will not see any more posts generated by this user • If a user has choosen to use our "Hide Snapchat Username" feature, he can manually review request to his snapchat username and block users from receiving his snapchat username